BCMA Update 9/17/17

Hello BCMA Family!!!

What a beautiful weekend!

This week we are taking our Math NWEA tests, teachers are finishing up reading assessments in the classroom. All of these assessments, help the teachers and assistants individualize the children’s instruction and work.

Physical Education with Ms. Audrey starts this week, students should bring gym shoes. Shoes should be secure on their feet (no dress shoes, boots, sandals, etc.). Students without the proper shoes will have to sit out for safety reasons.

We are celebrating Peace Day on September 21, each student will be painting a rock to place in the path to the Peace Pole in our Peace Garden, classrooms will be also be learning about peace and how they can be peacemakers.

If you have not turned in your Free and Reduced Lunch Application, please do so as soon as possible. If you were previously eligible and do not turn your application in by October 1, you will be full pay.

Please check out our BCMA Family Documents link to see our menus, first trimester events list, and our School Handbook.

Thank you for your patience as we learn all the cars and new faces in carline! We are getting faster every day, while still maintaining a safe environment in the parking lot.

Lastly, we “adopted” a classroom in Houston. Ms. Jeshawn Robinson teaches in a middle school and has around 115 7th and 8th graders.

We are doing a drive from now until September 22 for items and money to help get her classroom back up and running.

The list of things they need includes cleaning supplies, wipes, hand cleaners, paper towels, artwork for the walls (posters), general classroom supplies and Amazon gift cards.

We also need funds to ship the items to Texas.

They are a full title one school, so students don’t come with much. We have the chance to show our support and send help when they need it most.

Please bring your donations to the BCMA school office on school days between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.


Our character trait this month is respect!


Stay Awesome BCMA Family!


Ms. Jes, Head of School